Morgan 4 1/2
I like the book Mud Fun. I like the pup digging in the mud. The pup is cute.
Levi 3 1/2
I like Cat because she can fly. I like Rap because he can dance. I like Rat because hes funny.
Liv, 4, with sister Meg, 5
I like the books because they get better and better.”
Dan 5
My favorite superhero is Zap because he does so many cool things. He’s really fast and strong!
Mia, 5
My favorite character is Fit Pig because he exercises and it makes me want to exercise too!
Noey, 6
I like to read them over and over again because they’re funny.
Avery, 4
I want to read Cat again. I love reading Cat!
Miriam, age 4
I really like Cat and Rap because they’re superheroes and they can do very hard things. I like the ’C’ on Cat’s dress and the ’R’ on Rap’s shirt
Mia T. age 4 ½
I like books. I like reading them, (Superstar Readers) because I can read them by myself. I like Cat and Peek the best.
Ezra S. 6
I am really excited that I’ve finished reading the very last book!
Veronica (Teacher)
She was so proud that she had finished reading all the yellow books that she insisted I take a photo and I just had to send it to you!Cyrus age 4 ½
I like all the superheroes. I think I’d like to be Todd because he can s-t-r-e-t-c-h. My favorite books are Cat (Set 1) and Have No Fear (Set 2).Adrian age 5
I read them all. I thought they were interesting and could be funny. My favorite character was Zap, but the one that was always funny was RatDave, 4 ½ years old
The books are very good for starter readers. My favorite book so far is Lost Jewels because they found something for someone else. I liked Chimp Champs a lot too because it was very funny!
Maya, age 5
I like Peek because she can see through things. I wish I was like Peek so I could see inside the human body! I really like doing the Wordsearches!Jacob, 4 years old
I love reading Superstar Readers. My favorite book is Cap-Cape. I like rhymes because they make it easy. I like Peek best because of her listening ears!
Gabby, Aron and Tali
Superstar Readers …… a family tradition!
Come on the bus,
Come on the bus,
Come on Pup,
Come to us.
Come on the bus,
Come on Pup,
Come to us.

Big sisters are the best