All About Set 1 – Short Vowel Books
Wow! In only 20 short, fun, easy phonetic books, your child will be introduced to the wonderful world of reading and will be proud to say,
“I read them all by myself!”
Included with the purchase of Set 1:
- 20 different books
- Each short vowel is introduced in 4 books
- Set 1 has 5 different color-coded short vowel sounds for a total of 20 books
- A Welcome Letter with Helpful Hints
- An illustrated Sounds of the Alphabet Chart
- A Superstar Readers Checklist
- 5 reproducible coloring sheets.
- A Where and What Chart
(Adobe Acrobat Reader required)
Red Books – Short Vowel a

The amazing superheroes, Cat, Rap and Zap, together with their mischievous pal Rat, are introduced in the Red Books.Letters introduced:
- Short vowel a
- Consonants b, c, d, f, g, h, m, n, p, r, s, t and z
In these first 4 books there are 23 phonetic words (words to sound out) plus 9 sight words (words to memorize).
Read Rap in its entirety!Orange Books – Short Vowel I

In the Orange Books, the superhero kids and Rat visit an amusement park on Kid Hill. Tip, Fit Pig, and a hungry ant have their own adventures. Letters introduced:
- Short vowel i
- Consonants j, k, l, v, w and double consonants ll and ss
In addition to the words already introduced, there are 38 new phonetic words and 5 new sight words.
Peek inside Kid Hill!Yellow Books – Short Vowel o

In the Yellow Books, Todd makes his first appearance together with his little dog. Rat tries to drive a hot rod. Also introduced are Cat and Zap’s Mom and Pop and the feisty Fox.New letters introduced:
- Short vowel o
- Consonants y and x
There are 33 new phonetic and 2 new sight words.
Peek inside Hop on TopGreen Books – Short Vowel u

In the Green Books, your child will count 10 cute bugs and read about Todd’s pup digging in the mud. They will also meet the cubs, Al and Sal, and be amazed at Zap’s true strength. New letter introduced:
- Short vowel u.
- s at the end of a word.
- ck at the end of a word
There are 33 new phonetic words and 6 new sight words in these 4 books.
Peek inside 10 BugsBlue Books – Short Vowel e

In the Blue Books, Elf gets into trouble with the superhero kids and the pup gets his name. Also in the Blue Books , Kip-Kip Hen gets stuck in the mud and the vet takes care of all the animals.New letter introduced:
- Short vowel e.
- Contractions.
There are 38 new phonetic words and 8 new sight words.
Peek inside Ben